Call me old-fashioned. Call me a traditionalist. Just call me. I love movie theaters. I can't get enough of 'em. I would go to watch a movie at the theater every day if I had both the money and two extra hours each day. It's always a great experience, even if there's a crying kid kicking your seat or you're squeezed next to a smelly total stranger. It's the movie theater! Give me stadium seating or the sloped seating or yesteryear. Sticky floors and fabric that oozes with the smell of decades of buttered popcorn. Unhappy minimum-wage-earning employees and perforated tickets. But I wouldn't miss the concession stand. Go ahead and take that.
Even though I'm a Netflix girl, watching a movie on my couch will never compare to a trip to the AMC; 19-inch tv notwithstanding. Netflix was invented specifically for movies starring the likes of Kate Hudson and Lindsay Lohan. Ones you would never pay good money for or would never want other people to see you watching.
But it seems that I am in the minority when it comes to my love. I've heard every excuse under the sun for why people hate movie theaters. They're too expensive; too noisy; sitting too close to the screen makes their neck hurt. Snap out of it people. The ability to go to the cinema is a privilege for which our predecessors fought long and hard for. I don't want to talk down to you. I know you've all heard about the time long ago when theaters were controlled by a monarchy known as Regal Cinemas, and well...you know the rest.
The point is turn off your DVRs, get out there, and live a little! The entire season of "Grey's Anatomy" will still be there tomorrow, but, let's face it, "Pink Panther 2" will only be in the theater one, maybe two weeks, and then you've missed your opportunity forever. Plus, you totally can't ride a rollercoaster on a film strip track at your house. Think about that.